viernes, abril 28, 2006


The Guatemala trip began in earnest today at 6:45 pm when I clocked out for the final time as a barista. Nominally I have until Wednesday to finish reading the several books I'd like to complete before heading south. If I allow for a few welcome interruptions (like hanging out with friends and family for the last time in a few months), I should be able to truck through most of my reading list. I may end up carrying a couple of books with me to Guatemala, though.

Anyway, here's the itinerary as it currently stands:
Wednesday, May 3 -- I head south to Jackson with Courtney. We'll spend a couple of days hanging out in Jackson, introducing Courtney to my UMC friends and otherwise enjoying my favorite capital city.
Friday, May 5 -- Cinco de Mayo -- I fly to Orlando to meet Aunt Becky for a late lunch at Emeril's. Oh yeah, babe.
Saturday, May 6 -- Kennedy Space Center?
Sunday, May 7 -- El viaje empieza. I fly into La Aurora International Airport in Guatemala City. From this day until July 17, my focus will be on strengthening my Spanish language skills, particularly oral/verbal conversation. If all goes well, I will also begin learning K'ichee' Mayan.

The language school I'm going to is CELAS Maya. That's the Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Antropológicos Maya. It's in Quetzaltenango, also known locally as Xela, in the Western highlands of Guatemala.

Well, I'd better get back to that pile of books. More to come.

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